NEW Bee SVG Files 25% Off!

Did you see the new bee SVG files that I designed and released this week? One thing I love about spring and summer are all the flowers and along with the flowers comes the busy bees. At our house we have a hive of honeybees and it’s so interesting to watch them work. Bees are also quite a popular motif right now so I thought it’d be fun to make some bee themed paper crafting projects of you. Wouldn’t they make the cutest party invitations, favors, and decor? All of these files come individually and in the Bee Project Bundle. And, the best part is that they are all marked 25% OFF this week because they are brand new. Check them out….



All the bee themed paper that you see in these samples comes from my “BEE HAPPY” paper collection that I designed for Echo Park Paper Co. Bee Happy just released this month so you should be able to find it online or at a retailer near you

I hope you have a wonderful day!
















Thanks for checking out the NEW FILES and be sure to go grab the freebie of the week.
I hope that you all have a wonderful day! Have fun crafting!
