Tuck Gift Card Box Tutorial

 Hello and welcome to Tutorial Thursday.  I’m sharing today this great gift card box.

Tuck Gift Card Box


This box is fun to put together.


Here are the pieces: one box piece, 6 panel pieces, 1 gift card holder piece. For my box, I used patterned paper for all the panels.  The file includes flowers if you want to use the flowers to embellish the top.


After cutting all the pieces, you adhere all the panels to the outside of the box.



Fold along all the crease lines, ensuring the longer skinny arms are inside the box.

Fold the gift card holder piece, so the tabs are going down.


Insert the gift card holder into the middle, and attach the side arms in the notches.

Finally tuck the top flap together.

Add a gift card, and your box is ready to share.

Thanks for stopping by!

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