Scalloped Pocket Gift Card Album Tutorial

Hey there friends! Traci here and today I’m sharing a fun project that makes an amazing present for someone special. It’s a cute mini album made of pocket pages that are sized perfectly for gift cards. You could also add a sweet note, photos, tickets, or money. I created mine with a graduation theme, but … you could embellish this for ANY occasion! I’ve added a video below so you can see just how easy this was to make!


Graduation gift card holder with pockets, a star, and a cap and gown

 chose Lori’s amazing cutting file called Scalloped Pocket Gift Card Albu(SVGSilhouette) and decorated it with paper and ephemera from the Bella Blvd, Cap and Gown Collection.



Graduation gift card holder with pockets, a star, and a cap and gown

The cutting file is one pocket page but you could cut as many as you’d like. I made 4 so that I could add a variety of gift cards and notes.


Graduation gift card holder with pockets and a ribbon

Each page has a self closing pocket that will securely hold your gift cards or other items. At the bottom of each, there are 2 holes where you thread a piece of ribbon or twine to bind the book.



Graduation gift card holder with pockets, a cap, a diploma, and a rainbow


I love the curved scalloped edge on the flap of each pocket. Such a cute detail.


Graduation gift card holder with pockets, a cap, flowers, and polka dots


I embellished each page (front and back) with die cut pieces, but … you could add photo mats and pictures instead for a more personalized design.


Graduation gift card holder with pockets, a cap, polka dots, and pinwheels


Check out the video below to see how I put it all together…

I hope you like my graduation version of the Scalloped Pocket Gift Card Album. It’s a simple and fun project that can hold lots of gift cards! Great idea for ANY occasion. Happy crafting!

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  1. What is the Design Store code for this album? The link doesn’t work (takes you to a website to set up a blog), and the NIGHTMARE that is now the Design Store will not search for anything. The only thing I’ve been able to make work search wise since the supposed “upgrade” is to search by design number. Thanks for your help!

  2. Where do you watch the video? It seems it is just an image with a play button but doesn’t actually play. I’d love to see how this was put together. It is darling! Thanks.

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