$1 Wednesday at Jessica Sprague

One Dollar Wednesday at JessicaSprague.com!

It’s Wednesday again and that means TODAY ONLY you can snag two digital kits for an amazing deal… TODAY for JUST $1 you can grab this awesome set: Date & Time Brushes.

This kit is regularly priced at $5.99 and TODAY ONLY it’s just $1! These are brushes & PNG’s to add to your Project Life style books or just to do journaling.


And, you can get the following awesome product for HALF OFF, Arrow Brushes Set 2 making it $2


While you are at jessicasprague.com getting your kits, be sure to check out the samples made with each of these kits at the bottom of each listing.


Digital Scrapbooking


  1. I like the look of these files, but when I add them to my cart at Jessica Sprague, they are coming up full price. I don’t know if I need to add a coupon code or??? Also, they don’t show up on the One Buck Wednesday page that comes up from the link in Jessica’s email that I got today. Just a bit confused at the moment.

  2. Hello,

    When I tried to purchase the Date & Time Brushes the price was shown to be $5.99. Is there a code to enter to receive the $

  3. Hello,

    When I tried to purchase the Date & Time Brushes the price was shown to be $5.99. Is there a code to enter to receive the $1 price? When I checked Jessica’s site I couldn’t find this item on her $1 page.


  4. I see the problem. We are working on it. I’ve contacted Jessica Sprague. These items should show up on the One Buck Wednesday listing and right now they are not. I’m waiting on them to fix it. Sorry, for the glitch. Somehow we have our wires crossed. We’ll get it fixed.

  5. It’s fixed now. Just click on the direct link to each product. Not sure if they are on the landing page. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for your patience : )

  6. I would like to see anything I can use with Project Life. However, I don’t have a silhouette machine and therefore, need to purchase svg’s outside of that store if possible!

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