I love boxes or bags with cute little character faces on them and with St Patrick’s Day coming next month I thought I’d make a little leprechaun one.
You can start with any bag or box, I chose the tall heart gable box (svg, silhouette) and did a ungroup to delete the heart.
I like to do all my designing in Silhouette Studio and cut on my Cricut Maker since I have the Business Edition I can save my file as an svg and bring into Design Space to cut. I usually will change my score lines to solid lines so I can use the scoring wheel in Cricut. For this box I ungrouped all the score lines and deleted all but the lines I have circled then I selected one and dragged the handle, you can select all the ones going the same way and drag, just grab the center handle not the corner one.
This is what they will look like, I also filled in the box makes it easier to see. I then selected all the lines right click and make compound path, and then selected both the lines and box and grouped. In Cricut Design Space I will change the lines to score and then attach the bag and lines together.
For the face, I used the bobblehead card leprechaun (svg, silhouette). I ungrouped and deleted all except for the leprechaun’s head, buckle and one shamrock which I didn’t end up using. I sized the head to the front of the box and then made a duplicate of them. (you won’t need the extra leprechaun head I just always make a copy in case I mess up)
With the knife tool I cut down on the four lines on the front of the box trimming away the leprechaun. I delete the cut up box and trimmed pieces of the leprechaun and zoom in to see if I have to make adjustments.
I want the beard to be square to the box so I double clicked it to bring up the point editing menu, selected each of the points and changed them to make flat, and pulled the center one to the corner to make it square.
This is what it will look like, do the same to the other side.
I wanted the face to be square also so I made a duplicate of the leprechaun and selected the beard and face and welded together, makes it much easier to line up.
Here’s my project ready to save as an svg, I did also make an internal offset of the face by .05 and releaseed the compound path the eyes and mouth, I like having a solid piece for the background.