Have you seen the planner being offered at jessicasprague.com (PDF files) as well as in the shop (SVG dividers and cover)? I have to say it is one of my favorite projects, and meets a few of my all time favorite criteria, functional, easy to make and beautiful. Seriously, the divider pages took less than 10 seconds each to cut and the covers took even less (yes I really counted) and I used my favorite papers.
Today we have a few different styles to show you. Each designer had a different need, so they became completely different projects using the same files, which I loved.
Christine put her’s in a 3 ring binder and decorated each of her divider tabs. She even added a new section for the add on pages and created a divider tab for each one. BEAUTIFUL! She has more pictures and info at her blog here.
Next I want to show you what Amanda has created.
She used just the add on pages and made mini notebooks. She printed her’s half size (2 per page) and cut them down and bounded them.
She also added the cute rose cutout to the front of each one.

And finally, this is the planner I have been working on to keep Lori and I organized. I created mine full size (8.5×11) and plan to have it professionally bound at a copy store. Currently the pages are loose because I am hoping for a better deal having 2 bound at the same time. I am making one for my mom for her birthday next month, shhh don’t tell her. These make great gifts and go together so fast. It took longer to print the pages than it did to cut the dividers.
I used Echo Park’s “For the Record” Collection for my entire planner. Each divider is a different pattern (I do plan to go back and add month titles.) Notice how the cover fits perfectly over the dividers so no dividers sticking out, WHICH I LOVE! Also the planner cover has slightly rounded corners so no sharp points that will get ruined or draw blood as the year goes on.
When I organized the monthly, weekly and add on pages, I added a set of add on pages to each month, instead of all in one section like Christine. My brain doesn’t think that way, but I love her idea. With all those pages my planner measures 1/2″ thick. I think for my mom’s I am going to add a page with all her family members birthdate’s on it and put it in the front. I have more info on my blog here if you want to check it out.
We would love to see what you have done with these files too. Share them on our Facebook page here.