Creative Team Member Joy

Today for our Friday Feature I have 2 cute jack-o-lantern’s to share with you. Joy used the “Pumpkin Box” for her project. She says

“You can make the bag as big or small as you’d like.  I chose to make them tiny enough to hold a mini candy bar.  This project is perfect for making in multiples!  Think…the whole class or office.  You only need glue to add the pumpkin face, the whole bag is created with some very straightforward folding.  You’re going to LOVE this design! ”

Check out her blog for more info. I love that she did these tiny size.  Thanks Joy, these are adorable and perfect for a tiny treat.


On sale at Jessica Sprague TODAY

Today is your lucky day!

Yesterday was One Buck Wednesday at! Because of computer problems, this deal is still live till the end of today.

That means from now until midnight (Pacific time) you can pick up a couple of digital kits for a steal…

TODAY for JUST $1 you can grab the popular:


And, you can snag the following awesome digital scrapbooking product for half off… which makes it ONLY $3.00 (that’s a real deal):


Check out all the layouts using this kit at

We have a winner!

The winner of enrollment in Becky’s Project Real Life class is:

April Swingler

Congratulations, April!! Please email me at so I can send you the instructions to claim your prize!

Thank you everyone for your entries for this giveaway! If you’re interested in signing up you can register for this fun class HERE.

Have a great day!


Project Real Life Giveaway!

I’m so excited! Becky Higgins Project Real Life class starts in 2 days over at Big Picture! I’m attending. Are you? I’m giving away a spot in Becky’s class right here on my blog! Keep reading…

I know you’ve heard me talk about it before. But, just in case you’ve missed it…
Project Life truly is a back-to-basics approach to memory-keeping. Pictures + words. That’s it. Slip it all into pockets and add title cards that are already designed for you. Don’t think about layout design. Don’t think about cutting and pasting anything. SIMPLIFY. Get it done.

Class Description
Come join Becky Higgins for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend some time with her during the last quarter of 2012. As Becky goes about preparing for the holidays, organizing around her home and documenting her family’s story along the way, she’ll be sharing ideas to inspire you, tips to motivate you, and real-life suggestions on how to cultivate the life you want.

Whether you’re a long-time Project Lifer or you’re just now hearing about Project Life, you will love learning about the guilt-free philosophy behind this system of memory-keeping. While Becky will give you plenty to think about and do during the 12 weeks of this workshop, she firmly believes that there isn’t a person that exists who “does it all” — and it should be the last thing that we expect from ourselves.

Becky’s class includes:
● An exclusively-designed set of Project Life cards (3″ x 4″ and 4″ x 6″) that will not be available anywhere else!
● Access to a pre-classroom with a presentation from Becky upon registration for class
● Colorful instructional handouts with step-by-step instructions for each lesson/project
● Voice messages, slideshows and videos throughout class
● Three live chats with Becky
● Welcome notes from Becky in the classroom
● Reminder emails when the classroom is updated with new materials
● Message board to share your thoughts with your classmates
● Private posting gallery to share your work and view the work of your classmates
● Supply list with live links to product resources

Register and read rest of description here
Class starts 10/4/2012

Now, the fun part… Enter to WIN a spot in Becky’s Project Real Life Class. A winner will be announced on Thursday, October 4! Enter here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway